Sunday, March 26, 2006

A cricket coach and a football hat-trick

Phew...what a weekend!
Had to go for my DeviceDrivers training program even on Sunday! fact i'm again sitting here in this training session right now blogging.
Want proof? take this.

// {2ED8260D-0706-4656-AFF9-6FBD5278BDC2}
0x2ed8260d, 0x706, 0x4656, 0xaf, 0xf9, 0x6f, 0xbd, 0x52, 0x78, 0xbd, 0xc2);

Hehe..sorry! that was supposed to be pasted in some driver file called genport.c, but anywayz..
I haven't posted in quite a while, partly cos work has just shifted into a higher gear, leaving me with lesser free time, and football training also has spawned itself into a rigorous 3 times/week mode.
I scored my 2nd consecutive hat-trick during football training last Friday. More than a case of good-form, I think it was cos of poor defending by the opposition.However, I got clattered twice during practice, which left my left ankle bruised with shades of black, green, purple and blue.

On Saturday, we had our CA (Consumer Appliances) IG outing to Eagleton Resorts, which is actually a full-fledged golf-course also. We had great fun but I again got injured (this time my knee) while playing extreme diving-prone squash and badminton.Well, while I was walking past the golf-course, actually the lunchroom area :-) , I noticed 4 foreigners sitting at a table. One of them looked oddly familiar, but i wasn't very sure. So I walked by twice, and then ran off and called my friend Umang a.k.a 'Toy' to help confirm. And indeed, my excellent observation skills were right!

The suspected party was our very own Indian Cricket Team Coach - Greg Chapell!

My initial thoughts ->
1. Go upto him, shake hands and take a pic with him.
2. Go upto him and say "Hey mate! How about bringing Ganguly back?"

Choice no:2, I knew, could be met with unexpected and uncontrolled reactions, ranging from showing me the finger (Greg loves doing that if you didn't know) an abuse+slap combo (now don't start!) maybe even picking me for our struggling Indian Team (but hey I'm too busy for a part-time job right now) so I decided not to opt for it.

So only Choice no:1 was left. Even while standing there, I saw another guy doing just that. Grrr..i did not have my digicam with me so i had to rush off and get one from my colleagues. But by the time I got back, a small crowd of around 10-15 people had gathered so Greg and his mates decided to flee the scene. Hmm..missed an opportunity...(I meant Greg missed an opportunity to meet ME) :-0 But anywayz....not everyone gets lucky ;-)

That's how my weekend sped by...but atlast chilled out yesterday watching ManUtd thrash Birmingham 3-0, while applying ice to the injury I sustained during football training yest morning too. The third one in three days. Hey, that's a hat-trick in itself! seems today morning's training session has been terminated.
Lunch calls, but more than that, Mafia beckons.
Logging off...


Aslan said...

i win very rarely when i'm bad guy. but i did it when u were co-mafia- gr8 n' thanx! :) take care while playin futbol man. take avoiding action while scoring. u know what happened to me :)

stan_da_man said...

@aslan: yup! thankyouuuuu thankyouuuuu!lol

@pangu: no dude!!! it's not a board-game..atleast we don't use boards!! its just a talkin-votin game!! sounds very simple aint it? just go n find all abt it @ wiki...the wiki page has been edited by our very own master players... ;-)