It's been a few years now, i'm not really sure since when though, that I've been hearing the phrase - "The grass is always greener on the other side." Well, i'm sure all of you have heard it too. Hmm...however, (pushing my specs back up my nose bridge in slow motion) have you ever thought of how TRUE this rings in your life?
Ever since your childhood days when you were a lil gal/boy and were sitting bored doing school homework when your favourite cartoon show or rather WWE (WWF in those days) was on TV, haven't you sat and thought "Phew, i wish i were in college..I'll have soo much more freedom, be able to do anything i wanted when i wanted etc!". I bet u all have. I have too. Well then, lets fast-forward to like 5-7 years later where you're sitting in your college classroom having to listen to a boring Theory of Programming lecture, where the professor himself looks so sleepy that he could drop dead anytime, and you then think, "Man! Even school was better than this! College is sucha drag, not at all what i imagined it to be! Anywayz lemme just pass out and get a job and then i'll be set free..making my own money...and will be able to do anything i wanted with it!! That'll be ultimate".
True again na?
you're maybe right now thinking "aaahhh...yup i've thought about it that way when i was fed-up with all those assignments those Profs used to keep pouring down on us as if they were Gods giving us their showers of blessing!" If so, You're not alone, we're all there with you in d same boat. forward again. Present day situ. Most of my batchmates and my friends are now sitting bored in their cubicles reading this blog.(Hey guys, wazzup??!! Juz wanted to say hi!) Okie, so now everyone is tied down with this "F**d-up software industry, where we have no life, only weekends which are just too short to enjoy."
So now what does an ever-postive-chap-workin-as-a-bloody-slave-for-an-IT-company do?
Again he thinks "Man..I want a job that's really kool and has loads of cash! Hm..Now who has a job like that?! I know.. a Manager!"
So what does he do? Runs along and buys the next CAT application form the same day!!
He decided to do an MBA!!
And again the cycle continues. Let's see. What's happening here folks?
This is the classic case of "What I have now is not good enough.That Life is better! I wanna live like that!"
THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE.It is. It exists everywhere.How else will you explain the average poor Indian saving money and getting a plane ticket to the US of A to live the "American dream" or even better, the mallu gets a passport with the help of his father-in-law's uncle's brother's grandfather's neighbour's help to go and make it big in Dubai, or in his own accent, "Thubai"! How else will you explain us Indians running off and drooling at the sights of the California beaches while the Californians themselves come and drool at our Kovalam or Marina beaches. The Chinese runs along and buys himself "Mumbai Chicken" while the Mumbayya himself loves "Shanghai Noodles".
It reminds of a Floyd song,
Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were youngIn a world of magnets and miraclesOur thoughts strayed constantly and without boundaryThe ringing of the division bell had begunRunning before time took our dreams awayLeaving the myriad small creatures trying to tie us to the groundTo a life consumed by slow decayLooking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind usTo a glimpse of how green it was on the other sideSteps taken forwards but sleepwalking back againDragged by the force of some inner tideAt a higher altitude with flag unfurledWe reached the dizzy heights of that dreamed of worldEncumbered forever by desire and ambition There's a hunger still unsatisfiedOur weary eyes still stray to the horizon though down this road we've been so many timesThe grass was greenerThe light was brighterThe taste was sweeterThe nights of wonderWith friends surroundedThe dawn mist glowingThe water flowingThe endless riverForever and ever."
The song is aptly named "High Hopes". And that's exactly what it signifies of us insignificant humans, always in search of something we think is better, or rather, thinking of those 'good ol days', those same old days we used to curse when we were living them! Alwayz dreaming and having High Hopes of something better than the present day, instead of actually enjoying the present moment we have.
So what I think is best to do, is to totally enjoy and LIVE the moment instead of simply existing and then wishing you had something better. Cos that better day may never come, and today might the BEST day in your life. You've just wasted it away.
Like the white rapper Matt Mathers sez - "That's why I Seize the moment, try to freeze it and own it, squeeze it and hold it, cuz I consider these minutes Golden."
Consider EVERY moment of your life GOLDEN. And OWN it and LIVE it.Until next time...